Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Goth Challenge, Day 8

A few hours after my post today, I decided that I feel well enough to post day eight of the goth challenge.  This one might be a long one, so be prepared for a wall of text coming your way.  I apologize in advance that some of the font in this entry is different.  I tried to change it to the default font, but the post decided to derp on me, so I guess I'm stuck with it for now.

Day 8: What's your worst and best experience with non-Goths?

I think I'll talk about my worst experience first, just to get that out of the way. 

We've all been to high school, so I don't have to bellow how harsh it was, being a baby bat outcast.  I'm pretty sure that some of you, if not all of you know what it's like being teased a bit.  This does take place in the dreadful years of high school, when  I was a Junior, and I was first getting use to my days as a baby bat.  I knew what goth was in middle school, but in high school was when I really began dabbling into it, and experimenting with different looks.  Well, sometimes when teenagers experiement with the goth look, we get heckled, and I was no exception.

There was this girl in my creative writing class.  She was the stereotypical blond haird, loud, and obnoxious, type girl, who liked to spread gossip around.  I just so happened to be one of the lucky contestants, where gossip was spread about me.  How did this all start?  It all started when one of her friends decided to play a game called 'Ask the goth girl a question, let her answer, then make fun of her with my friends' (I know that's a rather long name for a game, though I didn't have a witty name to call it.  Sorry.).  So, the girl asked me a simple question.  "What's a prep?" 

 I do admit, when I was a dumb teenager, sometimes I labled people, just about as much as they labled me.  Since then, I learned that we're all just people, no matter what style we follow, or what we look like.  Anyway, back to the story.  The question was subjective, I thought there were no wrong or right answer.  So, I fell for their trap, telling them what my definition was.  As expected, the girl went back to her group of friends, and told them what I had said.  The girl that liked spreading the gossip, then decided she would tell me off for my subjective definition, and accused me of calling her a prep.  At first, I thought She'll get over it, it's not like I specifically called her one.  However, I was proven wrong.

Soon after, she decided to spread gossip, saying that I called her the said stereotype, and made it out like she was just an innocent bystandar, as the goth girl was 'picking' on her.  It got to the point where she called me out infront of the entire class, yelling at me for no reason.  She only wanted to make a scene, and make it look like I was 'picking' on her again.  Everytime we passed eachother int he hallway, whomever was with her, had to know the 'horrible' name that I so called her, and of course, made a scene about it.  She even threatened to sue me for defimation of character, whch just seemed ridiculous, and I rolled my eyes to. 

I let it take it's course, and it eventually stopped.  Life at high school began anue, and everyone forgot the whole melodramatic events that happened prior.  I understand that I was in the wrong for being just as close minded as the non goths were, at some points.  However, this whole event just escalated to the point where it got tiring.

The best non goth experiences I've had, were when I graduated high school, and went to college.  I have a few non goth friends, who accept the way that I dress, and the things that I like.  Eventhough they don't enjoy horror movies, or a walk in the cemetary, I still enjoy being with them, and doing activities that we both like.  My mother even went from hating my gothy attire in high school, to coming with terms, and even accepting it, when I first went to college.  In her words, 'I blossomed in college, because I didn't have to deal with being made fun of, or the non goths that were hateful toward alternative subcultures'.  I even met the love of my life, who also accepts me for me, who is also a non goth.  I even gained confidence in college, and recived compliments on the way I dress from older, and younger non goths.  I can keep continuing on how non goths in college were some of the best experiences of my life, but I think you get the idea. 

Thanks for reading my long wall of text.  Next will be day nine, coming soon.

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