Friday, May 25, 2012

The Goth Challenge, Day 27, 28, 29, 30

This is the final one, my last goth challenge entry.  I have to say, I had to give some thought on some of the days, like some actual sit and ponder thinking.  It was good, I liked it a lot actually.  I will be skipping day 26, because I don't have any decent pictures of every year I was goth.  Anyway, without further ado, here we go!

Day 27: The worst thing you've ever done to a newbie

I can safely say that I have never done anything rude to a newbie goth.  When i was in high school, there were only about three students, including myself who have curiosity for the dark side.  Besides that, I have never met a newbie before, but if I do in the future, I wouldn't do anything to discourage them from getting their feet wet with the subculture.  I was a newbie at one point too.

Day 28: Do you consider yourself and eldergoth?

I'm not old enough to be an eldergoth I'm afraid.  I'm in my early 20's, so I have a while before I hit the eldergoth bracket.

Day 29: What do you think will happen to goth in the future?

Another question I will have to give some thought on.  In a perfect world, I would hope that in the future that goth becomes more celebrated, where it's more socially accepted.  It would be naive of me to think that it could happen in the future.  Maybe it will, maybe it won't, I don't know, but it would be nice if society had a positive look on goth, rather than the negative stereotypes that cling to it.  

With that being said, I think that goth itself is fairly subjective, and everyone has a different outlook on what is, and isn't goth.  Along with that, sometimes you get the elitists who ruin it for the newcomers, which then less people want to be part of it.  I hope that in the future, such elitists will be more kinder to newbies, and baby bats, since we were all there once.  I think it's rude to state what goth is, or isn't, if it's all based on a personal definition.  So hopefully in the future, people will learn to lighten up on it, and enjoy the subculture for what they believe it to be.

I can't wait to see what happens in the future, regardless if it's for the better or worse.  

Day 30: Make a list of blogs you regularly read

I will be more than happy to make a list of the blogs, however, I don't feel right about linking to them, since access was not granted. 

  • Sophistique Noir: It's a wonderful blog with fashion ideas for the adult goth, who wants to break out of their baby bat shell, and have a more mature style.
  • Stripy Tights and Dark Delights: I think this a blog that all goths should read, young and old, new or not.  The author has some great advice, good information about the subculture, and she's pretty humorous.
  • GIY (Goth It Yourself): This blog has some neat DIY project ideas for the darkly inclined.  I'm looking forward to doing one of these projects soon. 

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