Sunday, April 29, 2012

Goth Challenge, Day 4

Day 4:  Name a stereotype or cliche you can relate to

Thinking back on what I like about goth, I would have to say that a lot of my likes could be considered a goth cliche.  I've decided to make a small list, since I do follow a few of the goth cliche's, and it's a lot easier than talking about one specific cliche, because I'm not sure if I can talk about one cliche, without giving a nod to the others that I follow.  Without further adue, here they are.

- When I started becoming a baby bat, one of the cliche that I defidently fit into was the mopey goth kid (trust me when I say that it was foolish of me to be that way).

- Sometimes I like wearing all black.  Now, I do have clothes of color, and yes, I like to wear them too, but sometimes I think an all black outfit can look classy, and snazzy.

- I love to wear my armwarmers and fishnet gloves.  I don't wear them everyday, somedays I just don't feel like putting the effort into getting all goth'd up, but pair some nice gloves with an outfit, can make it  pop.   

- I like bats, and not just because they're spooky looking.  I happen to think that they're adorable, and they do help out the ecosystem by eating bugs.

- I like watching horror movies.  The classics are always fun to watch either by myself, or with others, no matter how predictable they can be.  I don't watch them all the time, but when I do, I get into it.

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