Friday, April 20, 2012

The Goth Challenge, Day 2

2: Share experiences about your baby bat days

So this is day two, and it's getting interesting.  I wont be posting any pictures, since I don't have many, but I will be more than happy to share a brief entry about my experiences.  

My days as a baby bat were average.  I was a jeans and t-shirt goth, who's pants of choice were Tripp (I still have them, and I'm not about to throw away $60 pants, because it's mall gothy).  Occasionally, I would be bullied, but to a small extent.  It never escalated to anything physical, but the insults got tiresome.  If it wasn't about what I was wearing, it was about what I was reading, drawing, writing, etc...  Sometimes it got comical, because it's like they didn't have anything else to do, so they said what they needed to about me, or to my face, which then I would shrug and get on with my day.

I did normal activities, goth or not.  I read a lot manga, but also books on the occult (I was just getting into paganism), along with horror novels.  I liked logging onto the internet and play some MMORPGs, until I grew tired of those.  As mentioned before, I wrote, drew, and read a lot.  I guess that's about it, I didn't do anything that a normal teenager wouldn't do, plus I stayed out of trouble.  One thing I do regret during my baby bat years, and that was me being the mopey goth.  I feel embarrassed for ever being that way.  I'm so glad that I grew out of it, after high school.  That still doesn't mean that I don't want to kick my baby bat self in the ass though lol.

There you have it, my baby bat days.  Stay tuned for day 3.

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