Sunday, April 29, 2012

Goth Challenge, Day 4

Day 4:  Name a stereotype or cliche you can relate to

Thinking back on what I like about goth, I would have to say that a lot of my likes could be considered a goth cliche.  I've decided to make a small list, since I do follow a few of the goth cliche's, and it's a lot easier than talking about one specific cliche, because I'm not sure if I can talk about one cliche, without giving a nod to the others that I follow.  Without further adue, here they are.

- When I started becoming a baby bat, one of the cliche that I defidently fit into was the mopey goth kid (trust me when I say that it was foolish of me to be that way).

- Sometimes I like wearing all black.  Now, I do have clothes of color, and yes, I like to wear them too, but sometimes I think an all black outfit can look classy, and snazzy.

- I love to wear my armwarmers and fishnet gloves.  I don't wear them everyday, somedays I just don't feel like putting the effort into getting all goth'd up, but pair some nice gloves with an outfit, can make it  pop.   

- I like bats, and not just because they're spooky looking.  I happen to think that they're adorable, and they do help out the ecosystem by eating bugs.

- I like watching horror movies.  The classics are always fun to watch either by myself, or with others, no matter how predictable they can be.  I don't watch them all the time, but when I do, I get into it.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Product Review: Dysfunctional Doll

Dysfunctional Doll is a wonderful online store, where I bought a lot of my favorite, spooky items.  These products are durable, I have't had anything damaged during shipping, nor was anything so fragile to the touch, that they broke easily.  While the products themselves are decently priced, the shipping is what kills you.  My coffin purse and leopard bracelet together was about $25, then when you add in the shipping, it was almost $50.  The shipping was double, eventhough it was being shipped from Oregon.  So, I don't recommend buying from the site, if you're strapped on cash. 

Good news, however.  Dysfunctional Doll also have an Amazon account, where I did buy my purse and bracelet, and the shipping was a whole lot cheaper.  I do recommend you do buy from the Amazon store, to get more bang for your buck, so to speak.

Overall, I like this store, and I wish that the shipping on the actual site would be a lot cheaper, I'm happy with going to the Amazon one.  The products are a nice quality, and they look simply wonderful. 

The Goth Challenge, day 3

3: When did you come out of the goth closet

I was in 6th grade when I discovered goth, and even before then, one of my favorite colors to wear was black and grey.  From 6th grade to about 10th, I was slowly gaining a small, but proud closet, full of basic black clothing.  When I was in 10th grade, I started to go into Hottopic, and fell in love with their accessories.  The clothes themselves were pretty expensive, so I spent a lot of my money on chokers, gloves, earrings, etc...  That is about when I came out of the goth closet.  

At first, I was sure that it didn't come to much of a surprise.  The signs were pretty much there, like obnoxiously, in a loud and proud way.  My family was mostly accepting (if someone wasn't, then they didn't say anything to me), except for my mother, at first.  She was like a lot of non goth parents, who believed the goth negative stereotypes, and was worried that I would fall into that.  I didn't.  However, I still strived to show her that I was still me, and I wasn't going to do something, just because everyone else was doing it.  

I remember she told me that she didn't want me to look like a freak, or get picked on for looking like one.  I pretty much told her it was too late for that, and if I don't get picked on for being goth, it'll be for something else.  That was how my high school was, if you had something slightly different about you, you got called out on it, eventhough it's something that you can't change, or something that is you.

Luckily, after I graduated and started attending college, my mother lightened up to the point where now she's looking at black wedding dresses for me.  No, I'm not getting married, but somewhere down the line, probably.  

Now that I'm fully out of the goth closet, it feels good to express myself, and to know that eventhough at first it was rocky for acceptance with family, now I have support with my lifestyle choice.  

Friday, April 20, 2012

The Goth Challenge, Day 2

2: Share experiences about your baby bat days

So this is day two, and it's getting interesting.  I wont be posting any pictures, since I don't have many, but I will be more than happy to share a brief entry about my experiences.  

My days as a baby bat were average.  I was a jeans and t-shirt goth, who's pants of choice were Tripp (I still have them, and I'm not about to throw away $60 pants, because it's mall gothy).  Occasionally, I would be bullied, but to a small extent.  It never escalated to anything physical, but the insults got tiresome.  If it wasn't about what I was wearing, it was about what I was reading, drawing, writing, etc...  Sometimes it got comical, because it's like they didn't have anything else to do, so they said what they needed to about me, or to my face, which then I would shrug and get on with my day.

I did normal activities, goth or not.  I read a lot manga, but also books on the occult (I was just getting into paganism), along with horror novels.  I liked logging onto the internet and play some MMORPGs, until I grew tired of those.  As mentioned before, I wrote, drew, and read a lot.  I guess that's about it, I didn't do anything that a normal teenager wouldn't do, plus I stayed out of trouble.  One thing I do regret during my baby bat years, and that was me being the mopey goth.  I feel embarrassed for ever being that way.  I'm so glad that I grew out of it, after high school.  That still doesn't mean that I don't want to kick my baby bat self in the ass though lol.

There you have it, my baby bat days.  Stay tuned for day 3.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Goth Challenge, Day 1

1: How did you come across the subculture?

I was in 6th grade, when the term goth was throne around.  A friend and I liked to wear black a lot, without knowing what it was.  One of our classmates called my friend a goth, which I had to ask them what is it.  They defined a goth as someone who dresses in black all the time.  I thought that it was something unique, and researched goth.

What I found, made me wander about it more.  I found out that people interested in goth, had the same appreciation for the beauty and the romance in the dark side of life.  I was ecstatic that there were people like me, because where I lived, I was use to being the only person who loved things that weren't mainstream (besides my friend, to some extent).  The more I researched goth, the more I wanted to be part of that culture, and the more I loved the aesthetics.  That was when I started my transformation into a baby bat.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Introduction and Goth Confessions

I'm a little new at blogging, please forgive me.  I never kept an online diary, and I'm too lazy to write in an actual book, so I thought that me posting something amusing here every now and then could be interesting.  

With my introduction said, I thought I would kick off this blog with a goth confessions post.  I was inspired by a few videos on youtube (I'm sure you viewed them already, but if you didn't, then I strongly urge you to.  Just type goth confessions when you hit the youtube page), and thought about a few things that I enjoy, that might be a 'no no' to the goth world.

Goth confessions:

1. I enjoy watching Disney movies, and I don't mean just the animated ones back in the 90's, I mean the live action ones, especially during Halloween.  During Halloween, I watch a lot of the spooky, gory movies, but sometimes I want to watch something funny, that doesn't focus on the gore as much, because it does get rather boring once in a while.  

2. I have a fear of spiders.  I love, and can wear spider jewelry with no problem, but once when I see a real spider, I run to the other side of the room.

3. My favorite animals are fluffy ones.  When someone thinks of a goth's favorite animal, they think spiders and snakes.  I like dogs, cats, bunnies, and pretty much anything that is fluffy, that I can snuggle with.

4.  One of my favorite musical artist, is Lady Gaga.  I really like the message in Born this Way, and I enjoy some of her music.

5. Besides watching shows like The Munsters, I like watching The Middle, Modern Family, etc...  I think they're funny and clever.

6. I don't know any goths, outside of the internet.

7. I like anime, manga, and gaming, no matter how dorky it seems.

8. I like horror movies, but I also like a lot of movies that are fun, and non-goth.  One of my favorites is Just Go With It, with Jenifer Aniston, and Adam Sandler. 

9. As much as I like going out all gothed up, I don't feel like doing it all the time.  I enjoy jeans and t-shirt days sometimes.

10. I like decor from other cultures, and not just goth.  I especially like my Japanese fan, hanging on my wall, with the cranes flying.