Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Goth things I could never got into

I've been busy as of late, so sorry I haven't posted.  For this segment, I will talk about the goth things that I didn't get into and why.  

At some point when one is involved with the goth subculture, they find things that they like and dislike about it.  It's ok not to like everything about goth, and it in no way makes you any less of one.  This is very well explained in Darling Violetta's blog (which I recommend everyone to read).  Thanks to her, I decided to write this entry. 

1. Corsets

I know, it's a shocker.  I do not like wearing corsets.  I don't like how it's snug on my body, and how constricting it can be.  Yes, they make my figure look nice, but I can't handle the tight fabric around my body.  Corset tops like the ones from Tripp, I like because it's not too clingy,  but still tied like a corset.  Maybe if I wore a corset that was better fitting to my body, then I could get use to wearing one.

2. High Heels

I like a good pair of Too Fast heels like any other person.  However, they are the most uncomfortable things that I have ever worn.  I have no idea how women can wear them, to be honest.  I do like the heel's designs, but if they don't support my feet, and if I have way too many issues walking in them, then sadly, I can't wear them.

3. Dreadfalls

I have nothing against people who wear dreadfalls.  I like the colors and how they can make an outfit pop.  I just never gotten into wearing them myself though.  It's a case where other people look good in them, but I don't think I do, and that's why I never wear them.

4. Bustle Skirts

I like the victorian goth look, and I really like some of the skirts with the ruffles.  I'm not too fond of the bustles though.  As a woman with wide hips, a bustled skirt will make my hips and bum the main focus of my outfit, and I'm not too thrilled about that.  So, I like to avoid these as much as possible.

5. Newer Horror Movies

As a fan of the horror genre, I have to say that a lot of the newer movies have been lacking in plot, but have been engrossing in gore.  I miss the older, classic movies, where the plot was at least somewhat original, and the gore wasn't the main focus.  With the CGI tech, it seems that a lot of people just want the awesomely new graphics, instead of a nice, solid, storyline.  Actually, I remember watching The Future of Fear on Chiller, and they said their opinions about over using CGI in horror movies.  I have to say, I agree with them.  If you use too much CGI in a movie, the movie looks fake, and distracts the viewer from what's going on.  If they use a mix of CGI and old school special effects, the movies won't be overly fake, but appear to be real (even if some of the elements are obviously fake).  

6. Poetry

I'm probably going to get a lot of eye rolling for this, but I'm not that much into poetry.  I absolutely hate writing it for one.  Everytime I try to attempt at a decent poem, I write it, then when I go to read it, I cringe at how depressing it sounds (eventhough I don't remember putting anything remotely like that in it).  I do however, like to write Haiku, and I do well in that.  But writing a decent, non Haiku poetry, is not within my talents.  

7. Spiders

I really hate the feeling of something crawling on you, and spiders are no exception.  I don't mind spiders, but they're not my favorite things either.  I like to wear spider jewelry.  I really love my earrings of a black spider.  However, I have a fear of spiders, and if I feel something crawl on me, I get weirded out, not to mention lots of goosebumps.  So, I don't see myself owning a tarantula anytime soon.   

8. Drawn on eyebrows

This is a case of to each their own.  I don't think I would look good with drawn on eyebrows.  There are a lot of pictures of goths who look wonderful with drawn on eyebrows.  I just know that it's not right for me, and think that I would look horrid with them on.   


  1. I have to say, I appreciate your honest approach to your blog in regards to goth fashion, and paganism. I'm neither goth nor pagan, but have been categorized as so by others, because I apparently don't fit any place else. Firstly, I applaud that you are aware of what works for you and your body; my biggest pet peeve is kids who assume they have to fulfill a kind of goth stereotype. I know you mentioned Antimony and Lace in a previous post, I have visited it once or twice, but was overwhelmed by the number of individuals who feel the need to "fit the mould". I recall reading a post where apparently someone felt you just can't be goth without black or purple hair, which is bullshit. There are so few individuals out there who will be themselves and just fall into the label, or embrace goth culture out of a genuine passion. As opposed, of course, by those who hopelessly conform to the label to suffice for loneliness, or lack of personality. Perhaps that's why so many people assume goth kids are melodramatic loners, because many of them start out that way. I remember a kid like that, who we'd ask him how he felt about a situation, and the most he could venture to say was "I don't know," or when asked what they'd like to do it was "nothing." If you invest all your time in looking a certain way, there's not much left for self-reflection and personal development.

    I think you're taking your entries in a deep, and meaningful direction, which could really help engage readers, far from the customary goth crap like "how to apply black lipstick." I look forward to reading more from you!

    Little Miss Phantasm

    1. First, I would like to say thank you for reading, and thank you for commenting. I appreciate you're imput, as well as appreciate the fact that though you aren't goth, you still like to know about the subculture, and for that I thank you.

      Second, I totally agree with you. I don't think that in order to be goth, one has to fit into a neatly sealed box, full of goth stereotypes and expectations (I might do a post about this later on). I also agree that some expectations, like how you mentioned the whole black/purple hair thing, is a little silly. One of the good things about goth, is that the term is very broad, and it means something different to everyone.

      Again, thank you for reading and commenting. There will be more to come. ^-^
