Monday, July 9, 2012

Anti-Goth Grant (did I read that right?)

Yesterday was the first I've heard of this from Stripy Tights and Dark Delights.  I have to say, I'm both shocked (maybe not that much), and disappointed that people would actually agree to give a grant for Anti-Goths.  I mean, how are they suppose to battle goth?  Break out the US military, and try to 'kill' it off, like a giant, rampaging monster?  

This baffles me, really!  To ask the US government for money to combat a harmless subculture, or even the idea of goth, is just silly.  It would be like asking the government for a loan to combat against Trekkies (a fan of Star Trek).  It can't be done!

One good thing did come out of this though.  Now instead of battling goth, the people of Blue Springs are aiming towards goth acceptance (better late than never).  I really hope it works out for them, and maybe change a few minds about the negativity that surrounds goth sometimes.



  1. This isn't legit, right? I've never heard of this before, ever. Wouldn't that be classified as a hate crime, and not be funded by the gov't? I really hope it's just a gag. If it is real, it would be a good idea to get a petition and abolish the grant. This is a human rights issue. It makes me think of an article I read a few weeks back about a girl who was "a living doll." It's that Japanese trend to do your make up, and wear contacts to look doll like. As well as behave childish. I found it creepy and inappropriate, but to each his own. It's all good so long as it doesn't distort the way she perceives her body image, and as long as she realizes it'll probably effect her social life in her twenties. Anyways a comment I read beneath the article said that they would rather run into her, than a creepy [goth] person at night. That irked me, and I responded saying that just because she looks and behaves like a baby does not necessarily make her a perfect little angel. People makes some whacked out assumptions. I was hoping by this day and age, we would have overcome this.

  2. I really wish this ridiculous grant was fake, but it's real, here is the link to the article:

    You would think that this would be a hate crime, since those people diffidently hate the subculture. What baffles me the most is that people actually bought into this, and supported it, event he governor. *face palm*

    In any case, I do agree with you, to each their own, and more importantly, no one should dictate what a person can, or can't wear (unless they are parenting, but that's a different story).

    I did hear about the girl doll. I personally wouldn't dress like that, but it's her thing. I would hope that we as humans have overcame a lot of our past, and learned to respect one another. I know it's not the case for some. To those people, I just roll my eyes and let them be. If they want to be a twit about it, let them. I won't let them ruin my day.
