Saturday, May 26, 2012

Real Witchcraft

This is my first post about witchcraft, which was about time.  I love my gothy posts, but I think I'll turn to other subjects as well.  For this segment, I would like to talk about real witchcraft, and not stuff that you see out of the movies.

There is a lot of confusion about witchcraft.  I can understand why, most people aren't very open with talking about it, as it's still seen as a taboo subject.  Like goth, witchcraft has a lot of negative stereotypes, and people who don't follow it, have bad opinions on it.  Sometimes it's hard to talk to someone about it, without them asking if you warship the devil, or have them roll their eyes and say it's not real.  Maybe it's not real, but it's all about faith, like Christianity, etc.  

A few things that witchcraft is not:
  • It's not a cure all.  That means that if you cast a spell, don't expect it cure all your issues.  You still need to make decisions, and you still need to live your life.
  • It's not about warshipping the devil.  Actually, you can perform witchcraft, and warship any god you want to.  You can even warship the Christian god, though some would argue with this.  
  • It's not evil, but neutral.  It depends on what you send out to the world.  As long as you don't harm anyone, then you're ok.
  • If you're expecting to do spells like they do in the movie, The Craft, then sorry to say, they don't exist.  While spells that change your eye color sound cool, they don't work.  You need special contacts for those.  Doing spells for invincibility, or invisibility, won't work.  Same thing with controlling the weather, it's impossible.  That's not what real witchcraft is about.  Real witchcraft is, to be frank, almost like praying, for those who follow Christianity.  Sure, we do love spells, money spells, etc, but like preying, it's about faith, hope, and that what you're doing will help you to find what you're looking for.   
  • You don't have to be goth to be into witchcraft.  Some of them are, which is cool, but just like how everyone in the goth community is different, so are all those who practice the craft.
  • We certainly don't sacrifice animals, or people.  The media likes to over play this in some movies that feature witchcraft.  Despite what everyone thinks, no, we don't sacrifice living things, or would we want to.  Many people that perform witchcraft would rather live side by side with animals, instead of cutting them open.  Just the thought makes them squirm.  
  • Witchcraft isn't a religion.  Most people confuse witchcraft with being a pagan religion like wicca, but it's not.  It's a craft, which means that you perform it, and incorporate it into your life/religion.

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